Thursday 8 September 2016

Why You Should Get ENOUGH Sleep

Children ages 3-5 is recommended to sleep between 10-13 hours.
Children ages 6-13 is recommended to sleep around 9-11 hours.
Teenagers ages 14-17 is recommended to sleep around 8-10 hours.
Adults are recommended to sleep between 7-9 hours of sleep. 

While a lot of people do not get enough sleep regularly due to busy lives and schedules. The importance of sleep shouldn't be forgotten or unaware of. By knowing these benefits, this may encourage everyone to live healthier lives and be more energized on a daily basis. 

Improve Memory
Having enough sleep contributes to a better memory. During your sleep, the brain processes information you've obtained when you were awake and helps you perform and learn better after a good rest. 

Pay Better Attention 
Not having enough sleep in adults may result in poor performance during the day and being sleepy, but not having enough sleep for children could mean them being hyperactive. Lacking too much sleep can make you feel dizzy and prevent you from having a clear vision.

Weight Control 
If you are trying to lose or maintain your weight, have you ever wondered why it is that you've done everything right but you are still not getting those pounds off? Perhaps, not getting enough sleep is the answer. Being tired during the day can slow your body's metabolism, therefore the body won't shed off calories fast enough. In addition, sleep burns calories too! So why not get more sleep if you can.

Good Immunity
Sleeping can prevent you from getting sick. People who sleep less than seven hours every night is three times more likely to get a cold than those who sleeps for eight hours. Aside from the common cold, a good sleep also keeps you away from heart disease and diabetes.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Being Single, Why It's Better

In today's society, many people think that being in a relationship is a must in life. In addition, there are many others seeking a partner. While all this is going on, people forget how wonderful it is to be single and alone. 

For those that are seeking love and are upset by it, and for those that forgot the positives of being single. Here is a list as a reminder to everyone about the awesomeness of being single!! 

1.You have all the time to yourself 

2. You are the boss of your decisions 

3. You have one less person to worry about

4. Time can be used to focus on your life

5.It's a good chance to improve yourself 

6.Pick up new skills and hobbies anytime 

7. You can do things you've always wanted to do without waiting

8. There will be less drama and problems in your life

9. No need to worry about getting hurt 

10.Loads of free time on the weekends 

11. For ladies, wear all the high heels you want to, worry free

12. It's a good time for self reflection and discovery 

13. No one is there to judge you and tell you what not to do 

14. You get to focus on what is important in your life, studying, career, or anything else

15. You will have full energy on achieving your goals 

Hopefully, the above 15 things will remind some of you why it is also good to be single. Having someone is great, and we should always believe in love. But being by ourselves is not bad either. Don't forget that! :) 

Saturday 6 August 2016

Ways to be More Outgoing

If you are someone who is not that social and has a shy personality, there are times you might wish that you could be more spoken and has better communication skills. You can meet new people, be less afraid, and enjoy life fuller because you won't be missing out on all the opportunities life has to offer. You might even create your own.

Here are some tips to get you out of your shell!

1) Start Off Small
People who love talking didn't develop their skill overnight. They had years of practice with the people they are comfortable with. Often times, you will realize that there are some things you want to but can't do even with those that are closest to you. An example of this would be joking around with your partner, or teasing your siblings. Start off there, and then you can grow to finding some people that share similar interest as you. Eventually, you will be better at talking to people, but its not an quick process.

2)Change Your Focus
Shy people often enter a social situation focusing on themselves. How will people think of me? Is there something I could do? How do I act? What do I say? Instead of thinking all this, try to think of things that you wonder about the people you talk to. Try to learn something from them, their experiences and stories. Wonder about what their jobs are, their family, etc. Everyone is different and is unique. See what you can learn every time you have a conversation.

3) Say Yes More Often
There are certain times when you want to say no to an opportunity because you don't feel comfortable attending it. The reason of this may be you feel that you are not allowed to leave the situation at your own free will. If you attend a party, you can't leave 10 minutes after if you want to. This assumption however is completely false. You are in charge of yourself, and your actions. If you don't like something you are able to say no, and get out whenever you like. But at least give it your best shot before shooting it down. You never know, maybe at one of the events you can meet a new friend, that's one more person you connected with!

4)Challenge Yourself Everyday
Talk to a stranger everyday. It can be as simple as asking for the time, or asking for directions. As long as you are in fear of saying something, do it. Afterwords you would feel much more accomplished. Over time, you will feel more confident talking and starting a conversation.

Good luck everyone!

You are NOT Alone!!

Sunday 17 July 2016

Tips for BETTER Decision Making

1)Trust Experience
Past events and stories really make a difference when trying to make  decisions, especially important ones. A good suggestion would be to get a few different opinions from people that you know. They could be family or friends. Take the information you gathered into thought, and make the final decision.

2)View Different Perspectives 
Often when making decisions, we most likely only view it from 2 perspectives: yours, and the other parties. This time, think outside the box, think about it from a friend's, families, societies, any other parties that it may affect even in the slightest way. This may help you clear more up in your final step.

3)Use Evidence 
Evidence can be what you've already known, seen, heard, or facts. If you gather them all together, the decision may be crystal clear right away. But of course depending on the decision, also have your own judgments.

4)Let Go
Don't live in your mistakes. They happen for a reason. Don't live in your past, it will only ruin how you can improve and enjoy life. This affects a lot of people's pace when it comes to making a decision. You might be afraid of getting hurt, making the same mistake, taking a risk, you might fear it now, whatever it is, let it go. Stay in the moment, if it is not happening right now, don't let it affect you ever again. Learn from it and move on.

5)Be Honest With Yourself 
Stay true to yourself when making a decision. If you feel that something is not the right choice for the situation you are in, don't make it. Do not let outside influences pressure you, even those that you care for and is close to. Put yourself first because you are the one living your decision, it will change your life the most and no one else. Don't make a decision just to please others and make others happy, unless it is also what you want as well.

6)Pros and Cons 
Take some time and write down the pros and cons of your options. Weigh on which one is more important to you and make it upon that.

7)Just Make a Decision
Don't take too long to make a decision because if you wait, you might lose the opportunity as a whole. Even if you make the wrong decision, after a while you can still change it because most decisions and choices are not permanent. You will learn things from your choice and change later. Its better than not making any decision and staying in the same place.

Happy decision making!

Note: Sorry for the irregular uploading, got pretty busy recently, but i will try my best to post on time every Tuesday again! Thank you for reading and supporting! :)

Saturday 9 July 2016

The Positives of Rejection

Many people, including myself is scared of rejection. Being afraid will not do us any good, but only allow us to lose great opportunities that we should have grabbed onto.

How many times in your life did you want to go for something, such as asking out a date or getting to  know a stranger, but didn't make a move because you are afraid of them ignoring you and saying no?

So after you have not done it, how did you feel? You probably felt sad, regretful, and not so brave, asking yourself why you didn't take the chance.

Now of course, if you try and face rejection, there is a chance of it not turning out so well, but what if it did? What if it was a wonderful or fulfilling experience? Even if the outcome isn't what you've expected, you can feel satisfied knowing you've tried and happy that you took the chance.

Sometimes, rejection and the unknown can help us grow far more than being afraid. In the end, you've got nothing to lose, you can gain something out of the chance you took, whatever the result may be.

1) You Took Action 
You did it. Faced a fear. Instead of being in your head and thinking of the a million things that could have happen, you went for it. Now you know the actual result, good or bad. If its good, you are now super glad you've pushed yourself and gain whatever it is that you want, in addition to the fact that the next time you do something similar you won't be as scared. If the result was bad, yes you will be sad for a while, but you will still be smiling thinking that you overcame one of your fears. Nothing major happened to you. You are still breathing and alive, and got a little wiser too.

2) Know Next Steps 
After knowing the result and saving yourself from wondering, you will know what to do next. It can either be celebrating that you've got what you wanted, or being sad for a while but spending quality alone time or with family/friends to gain support.

3)Do the Next Thing
You get to move on from this thing that's been bothering you forever and onto a new thing. It can be something similar or totally different. You do not need to spend more time thinking, wondering and wasting energy on this anymore. MOVING ON, there is always more to life.

4) Reminder 
Being rejected also tells us that we are not perfect and we can't please everyone or fill every requirement. But that's okay because there are always room for improvement to a better self!

5) Reevaluate Ourselves 
Rejection is also a time for us to reconnect with ourselves and see if we did anything wrong. This will help us better understand ourselves, what we want, rethink about our goals, and benefit us in the long run.

Treat every rejection as a way to grow and explore rather than something we should be in fear of. You will always learn and find out new things. We will sure miss far more amazing things if we spend the time being afraid rather than facing it head on and enjoy it in the process.

Choose between fear and regret. Act upon the greater feeling.

Stay strong and face rejection!

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Reasons of Friend Zone

Being friend zoned by someone is not a great feeling. Often times, we don't stop and think about why we are where we are. But sometimes we don't realize that certain things needs to be done, or actions really impact the answers we get.

There are a few reasons why we get friend zoned, and most times we can change it!

1) No Attraction 
This is a really common and straightforward reason. Simply not feeling romantically with the other person  will result in being just seen as a friend. However, this can be changed but its not as easy, and only in very few cases.

2) Maybe for the Future
In this reason, you are technically being on hold...for now. You might have all the things that person is looking for, but you appeared at the wrong time. There are several things being considered in this reason such as maybe he/she is too busy in their lives right now and know that they don't have time for a relationship, they need to figure their selves out, they just got out of a relationship, they want to play the field a bit longer, they want to improve themselves and become better. So in this case, maybe his/her decision has nothing to do with you. If you are in this situation, I suggest to wait a bit, and try to help his/her in whatever they are going through to show that they are important to you and you care.

3) Being Too Available
Most times you may not notice this because you guys have known each other for a long time or you just want to do everything for the person of your interest. But sometimes you can be a little too available. Its good to be available and supportive but don't be there every time. As much as being there for them during problems is a good thing, if you are always there, they will take you for granted.  Nobody wants to be taken for granted, and you don't either. So be there for them, just don't overdo it and revolve your life around them.

4) Friends with the Group 
If you are friends with his/her friends, and you often hang together as a group. Its no wonder why they will see you as one of their own. Therefore, your love interest will probably not have a chance to see you any other way, except for a friend.

5) You Let It Happen 
Yep, you read it right. You let it happen. How? You begin thinking that you should be his/her friend first before getting into dating the person. But somewhere along the way, you get used to being the friend and have no intention to change it. You get in the habit of thinking that being a friend is okay, and you are satisfied. You will not try to show signs of interest and do not make it clear in your actions that you have feelings for the person.

6) Unsure of You 
Another reason you might be temporarily friend zoned is because maybe you are new to them and they don't know about you yet. Its a reason for them to get to know you, become comfortable, and see how you are as a person. Its important that you always be yourself around him/her so that they will fall for the real you. Try to hang out with them a lot and find common interests etc.

7) Just Friends 
This one speaks for itself. The other person only sees you as a friend and maybe it can't be changed.

Don't give up if you are in the friend zone because you might still have a chance! But be aware and not to push too hard towards the other person because it may backfire. All in all, its not as bad as it seems to be in the friend zone.

Everyone good luck!


Tuesday 21 June 2016

Tips on Maintaining A Long Distance Relationship

Often times couples are at different places due to work or school and can not be with each other on a regular basis. While most people fear that long distance will drift them apart and chooses step back from perusing a relationship, there are others who want to but do not know the right ways to keep it going. 

Here are some tips on long distance so you never have to feel alone or lonely again! 

1. Try to Communicate Regularly 
Who says communication can only happen face to face and when your partner is with you? With the current technology, it's very easy to connect with people from different parts of the world. Having regular talks and simple "good night" and "good morning"s will bring both parties more closer and connected even if they are far apart in distance. This can also be used in advantage to solve any serious problems that need to be clarified such as misunderstandings and arguments using video calls. 

2. Do Things Together
Have dates and hang out with each other as normal. Ask for opinions and ideas, do something together. While both of you are not physically present use video chats to show the other person outfits your buying, ask for their opinion on it and chat. Have fun just like a real date. Do different activities together. Such as watch a movie at the same time and share your comments, play a game together as pairs, have a sport match by tracking scores and see who wins in the end. 

3. Visit Each Other 
This one requires a bit of planing but its fairly easy if you guys are organized and communicate well. Establish a plan where the two of you are either on holiday or long breaks and set dates to visit one another by taking turns and whenever continent. Try to keep a balanced schedule so that none of you feel overwhelmed. 

4. Don't Hide Anything! 
This one is important in all relationships. Its not good to keep secrets of any feelings or problems from your significant other. Keep a open and up to date connection so that they know what you are up to and how you feel to make the right choices. If anything is not told at the moment, eventually they will find out and it might not turn out as well. So tell them everything that is important for them to know right as it happen. 

5. Send Surprises
Well its important to sent your partner gifts, its even better to give them a surprise once in a while. It shows that even if the both of you are busy in different parts of the world, you are still thinking about him/her in you daily life. It can bring heartwarming feelings. 

6. Trust and Understanding
Trust is important in any form of relationship. You should be comfortable and is able to trust your partner in his/her actions. Believe who they are and talk about things that seem suspicious right away. It might not be a big deal. This goes with understanding as well, you should know how your partner is. Enough to know his regular actions and core values so that you won't be tricked by other people or circumstances that come up in the future. 

With the above 6 tips helping you out, you will be sure that it all is done properly the relationship will be maintained. Good Luck and love strong! 

Tuesday 14 June 2016

5 Time Wasters: How to SAVE more Time

Have you ever wonder where all your time went? You wake up, do what you always do on a daily basis, then go to sleep thinking that you didn’t get all that you want to accomplish during the day accomplished. You are thinking but don’t realize how and what you spent your time on. Here are 5 possible biggest time wasters that are sucking up your time and making you less productive.

This is a really common social media website that many people go on everyday. Some go online so often that they do not even notice the times they click on Facebook. Instead of going online, checking your feed, replying friends, visiting and commenting. Try limiting the number of visits you give to this website to reduce your wasted time.

Youtube to a place with many media and video contents. Both useful and entertaining information can be accessed on this website. It can help you improve your knowledge which leads to better work quality. But at the same time, it’s a huge distractor if you have minimum self control. Try limiting the minutes you spend on this website as well because this site contains many sources that leads you to TV shows, music, movies, etc.

Because of the advance of technology cell phones and Apps are becoming more useful and easy to access to. By downloading apps such as Tumblr, Instagram, and other applications doesn’t allow you to stop staring at your phone as time goes on when you can jump to one app to the next returning to home screen and constantly getting notifications. Turn your phone on airplane mode when finishing projects, or during important work meetings. This will prevent you from constantly getting your phone and from others reaching you allowing you to focus for the time being.

Emails, yes Emails! Replying and checking email may only take a minute or two. But that’s really not the case. This may be the time you take if you only check your email once or twice a day. The opposite happens if you check your inbox multiple times a day. So cutting the times off will save you lots of time.

Games. This goes for all types of games. Whither its online games or video games. The hours you spent on them can be really long without your controlling yourself. Games may be fun to play, you will soon realize that it does not bring any usefulness to your time rather than helping you relax and entertained.

By limiting your time on these 5 time wasters you will see a change in the amount of time you have and will  be able to better plan so that you can get more work done. Good luck!