Tuesday 28 June 2016

Reasons of Friend Zone

Being friend zoned by someone is not a great feeling. Often times, we don't stop and think about why we are where we are. But sometimes we don't realize that certain things needs to be done, or actions really impact the answers we get.

There are a few reasons why we get friend zoned, and most times we can change it!

1) No Attraction 
This is a really common and straightforward reason. Simply not feeling romantically with the other person  will result in being just seen as a friend. However, this can be changed but its not as easy, and only in very few cases.

2) Maybe for the Future
In this reason, you are technically being on hold...for now. You might have all the things that person is looking for, but you appeared at the wrong time. There are several things being considered in this reason such as maybe he/she is too busy in their lives right now and know that they don't have time for a relationship, they need to figure their selves out, they just got out of a relationship, they want to play the field a bit longer, they want to improve themselves and become better. So in this case, maybe his/her decision has nothing to do with you. If you are in this situation, I suggest to wait a bit, and try to help his/her in whatever they are going through to show that they are important to you and you care.

3) Being Too Available
Most times you may not notice this because you guys have known each other for a long time or you just want to do everything for the person of your interest. But sometimes you can be a little too available. Its good to be available and supportive but don't be there every time. As much as being there for them during problems is a good thing, if you are always there, they will take you for granted.  Nobody wants to be taken for granted, and you don't either. So be there for them, just don't overdo it and revolve your life around them.

4) Friends with the Group 
If you are friends with his/her friends, and you often hang together as a group. Its no wonder why they will see you as one of their own. Therefore, your love interest will probably not have a chance to see you any other way, except for a friend.

5) You Let It Happen 
Yep, you read it right. You let it happen. How? You begin thinking that you should be his/her friend first before getting into dating the person. But somewhere along the way, you get used to being the friend and have no intention to change it. You get in the habit of thinking that being a friend is okay, and you are satisfied. You will not try to show signs of interest and do not make it clear in your actions that you have feelings for the person.

6) Unsure of You 
Another reason you might be temporarily friend zoned is because maybe you are new to them and they don't know about you yet. Its a reason for them to get to know you, become comfortable, and see how you are as a person. Its important that you always be yourself around him/her so that they will fall for the real you. Try to hang out with them a lot and find common interests etc.

7) Just Friends 
This one speaks for itself. The other person only sees you as a friend and maybe it can't be changed.

Don't give up if you are in the friend zone because you might still have a chance! But be aware and not to push too hard towards the other person because it may backfire. All in all, its not as bad as it seems to be in the friend zone.

Everyone good luck!


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