Thursday 8 September 2016

Why You Should Get ENOUGH Sleep

Children ages 3-5 is recommended to sleep between 10-13 hours.
Children ages 6-13 is recommended to sleep around 9-11 hours.
Teenagers ages 14-17 is recommended to sleep around 8-10 hours.
Adults are recommended to sleep between 7-9 hours of sleep. 

While a lot of people do not get enough sleep regularly due to busy lives and schedules. The importance of sleep shouldn't be forgotten or unaware of. By knowing these benefits, this may encourage everyone to live healthier lives and be more energized on a daily basis. 

Improve Memory
Having enough sleep contributes to a better memory. During your sleep, the brain processes information you've obtained when you were awake and helps you perform and learn better after a good rest. 

Pay Better Attention 
Not having enough sleep in adults may result in poor performance during the day and being sleepy, but not having enough sleep for children could mean them being hyperactive. Lacking too much sleep can make you feel dizzy and prevent you from having a clear vision.

Weight Control 
If you are trying to lose or maintain your weight, have you ever wondered why it is that you've done everything right but you are still not getting those pounds off? Perhaps, not getting enough sleep is the answer. Being tired during the day can slow your body's metabolism, therefore the body won't shed off calories fast enough. In addition, sleep burns calories too! So why not get more sleep if you can.

Good Immunity
Sleeping can prevent you from getting sick. People who sleep less than seven hours every night is three times more likely to get a cold than those who sleeps for eight hours. Aside from the common cold, a good sleep also keeps you away from heart disease and diabetes.