Sunday 14 August 2016

Being Single, Why It's Better

In today's society, many people think that being in a relationship is a must in life. In addition, there are many others seeking a partner. While all this is going on, people forget how wonderful it is to be single and alone. 

For those that are seeking love and are upset by it, and for those that forgot the positives of being single. Here is a list as a reminder to everyone about the awesomeness of being single!! 

1.You have all the time to yourself 

2. You are the boss of your decisions 

3. You have one less person to worry about

4. Time can be used to focus on your life

5.It's a good chance to improve yourself 

6.Pick up new skills and hobbies anytime 

7. You can do things you've always wanted to do without waiting

8. There will be less drama and problems in your life

9. No need to worry about getting hurt 

10.Loads of free time on the weekends 

11. For ladies, wear all the high heels you want to, worry free

12. It's a good time for self reflection and discovery 

13. No one is there to judge you and tell you what not to do 

14. You get to focus on what is important in your life, studying, career, or anything else

15. You will have full energy on achieving your goals 

Hopefully, the above 15 things will remind some of you why it is also good to be single. Having someone is great, and we should always believe in love. But being by ourselves is not bad either. Don't forget that! :) 


  1. I am very happy with who I am with right now but during the time that I was single, I did enjoy these perks. I think it's about how you use your time.

  2. Good reminders for those that are single. I am married but hubby is currently working away for a few weeks. We live together on a boat so we spend a huge amount of time together. I miss him, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying some "me" time. Hubby is high maintenance (he might disagree) and I am finding a lot more time to get my work done not having to clean up after him LOL.

  3. I agree that those are great things about being single and i dont mind being single, the reasons i am looking for a relationship is you have that person to do things with, unless you have that friend always available, most of mine are in relationships, kids and such so its no fun trying a new restaurant alone, no fun hiking alone, you need someone to take that picture on an new adventure. when you find that right person, you can still do most of the stuff you listed, its when you cant means maybe that person is not the right one.

  4. Great to hear you are single and loving it! That's a pretty good list of pro's.

  5. So true I am single and happy to stay that way! I love to be my own person!

  6. great write up you have here, though am not single but when i was, a few of these worked properly, but we just know dep down we need that other person to be there with us.

  7. The single life definitely has its benefits. These are some good points. Being single can be great

  8. If you're single that's the time to enjoy the things that you would like to do for you. it's great to have the freedom of doing these things.

  9. There's a lot of fabulous things about being a single, and that should be embraced. All the points on the list are true, and why forcing ourselves to have a relationship only because society demand it.

  10. I think it depends. It's ok to be single but hey, we do need some arms to hold us from time to time and we need someone to hear us and love us. So why not a relationship where you can both freedom but also the perks of being together with someone?

  11. I feel quite the same at the moment! There're a lot of benefits being single. At htem oment I cannot imagine myself in a relationship.

  12. All the points on the list are true but it's always our choice...
    It always depends... Yeah! This is LIFE.

  13. You should watch how to be single movie, your post reminded me of it actually. It's really funny and different from others. The end will suprise you in a good way.

  14. Of course there are many positives from being single, especially when you're content with yourself.

  15. I think no matter if you're single or not single it's important to not forget yourself. To keep trying new individual things that make you happy.

  16. I have never dated before (I'm 22 years old now) and I absolutely love it. I'm getting enough headaches from my BFFs' personal lives problems, I have no intention to suffer from my own as well (yeah there are beautiful moments as well, but all I see is the free headache)
